
My studio is in Stonington, ME at the Flying Bridge, our cottage looking out on Penobscot Bay. 

I can be reached at (207) 367-2633 or (207) 469-8689.  My email is

If you would like to commission a work choosing from the stone on-site, you are welcome to make an appointment to visit the studio. But the best place to see the universe of stone I work with is the Granite Shop in Sedgwick, ME. It is well worth a trip in its own right; it is a huge outdoor natural history museum/art gallery of stone with slabs from all over the planet. If you see a kind of stone there that appeals to you that I don't have on-site, I may be able to acquire it if and when a sufficient supply becomes available. Although I make small pieces of the sort shown here, I most enjoy the challenge of making larger pieces like the Cross for Saint Brendan, the Stone Garden, and the continuation of the chain of golden rectangles linked by sublime triangles that completes the design of the additions to the Flying Bridge.